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GrowBag graphs for keyword ? (Num. hits/coverage)
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The graphs summarize 9 occurrences of 9 keywords
Found 1 publication records. Showing 1 according to the selection in the facets
Hits ?▲ |
Authors |
Title |
Venue |
Year |
Link |
Author keywords |
102 | Tatsuya Akutsu, Kentaro Onizuka, Masato Ishikawa |
New hashing techniques and their application to a protein structure database system. |
HICSS (5) |
1995 |
protein structure database system, hash vector, fixed length fragment, three dimensional protein structure, true hash vectors, root mean square deviation, PDB data, PROTEIX, database management systems, database management system, file organisation, biology computing, proteins, protein structures, structural similarity, molecular configurations, molecular biophysics, hashing techniques |
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