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2007-2019 (10)
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Found 10 publication records. Showing 10 according to the selection in the facets
Hits ? Authors Title Venue Year Link Author keywords
69Markus Weber, Thomas Roth-Berghofer, Volker Hudlet, Heiko Maus, Andreas Dengel 0001 Context-Aware Service Discovery Using Case-Based Reasoning Methods. Search on Bibsonomy KI The full citation details ... 2009 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF myCBR, jCOLIBRI, context, service discovery, Case-Based Reasoning
34Kerstin Bach, Bjørn Magnus Mathisen, Amar Jaiswal Demonstrating the myCBR Rest API. Search on Bibsonomy ICCBR Workshops The full citation details ... 2019 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
34Kerstin Bach, Christian Severin Sauer, Klaus-Dieter Althoff, Thomas Roth-Berghofer Knowledge Modeling with the Open Source Tool myCBR. Search on Bibsonomy KESE@ECAI The full citation details ... 2014 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
34Christian Severin Sauer, Alexander Hundt, Thomas Roth-Berghofer Explanation-Aware Design of Mobile myCBR-Based Applications. Search on Bibsonomy ICCBR The full citation details ... 2012 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF
34Kerstin Bach, Klaus-Dieter Althoff Developing Case-Based Reasoning Applications Using myCBR 3. Search on Bibsonomy ICCBR The full citation details ... 2012 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF
34Christian Severin Sauer, Thomas Roth-Berghofer Web Community Knowledge Extraction for myCBR 3. Search on Bibsonomy SGAI Conf. The full citation details ... 2011 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF
34Thomas Roth-Berghofer, Benjamin Adrian, Andreas Dengel 0001 Case Acquisition from Text: Ontology-Based Information Extraction with SCOOBIE for myCBR. Search on Bibsonomy ICCBR The full citation details ... 2010 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF
34Thomas Roth-Berghofer, Daniel Bahls Code Tagging and Similarity-based Retrieval with myCBR. Search on Bibsonomy SGAI Conf. The full citation details ... 2008 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF
34Armin Stahl, Thomas Roth-Berghofer Rapid Prototyping of CBR Applications with the Open Source Tool myCBR. Search on Bibsonomy ECCBR The full citation details ... 2008 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF
34Daniel Bahls, Thomas Roth-Berghofer Explanation Support for the Case-Based Reasoning Tool myCBR. Search on Bibsonomy AAAI The full citation details ... 2007 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
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